Going international with your software can increase your revenues exponentially. Providing an interface in the user’s own language requires not only linguistic, cultural, and technical expertise, but also guidance on preparing the software for localization. Our software localization engineers will work with you to make your software work seamlessly in any language.
Localization Engineering
Localization engineering covers a multitude of tasks but has one objective: to release high-quality software applications, websites, and online help systems to international markets. It includes software analysis, build engineering, bug fixing, scripting, and process automation.
Localization Testing
After an application has been localized, it must be tested before market release. Testing requires both source-language and target-language versions of the product to be installed in the environment a typical user would utilize. Localization testing teams look for truncations, misalignments, and untranslated strings and make sure that the functionality of the target matches the source. All issues are tracked in a bug database and verified once the new build is created.