CETRA to Celebrate European Day of Languages

Join CETRA in celebrating the European Day of Languages on September 26. The Council of Europe and European Commission have been celebrating this day every year since 2001. What began as the European Year of Languages to celebrate linguistic diversity and promoted language learning, became a celebration each September.
The Council of Europe consists of 46 member states. Worldwide, it is estimated that between 6,000 and 7,000 unique languages are spoken and at least half of the world is bilingual or plurilingual. There are over 200 languages spoken in Europe, many spoken by citizens from other countries and continents.
The European Day of Languages has three overall objectives—Europe’s rich linguistic diversity, which must be preserved and enhanced; the need to diversify the range of languages people learn (to include less widely used languages), which results in plurilingualism; the need for people to develop some degree of proficiency in two languages or more to be able to play their full part in democratic citizenship in Europe.
Throughout Europe, schools, libraries, students, teachers, and anyone interested in language will be celebrating the European Day of Languages by learning about different cultures and traditions, playing games, talking over tea, and speaking one or more of the many languages in Europe.