Case Study: Language Solutions for Opinion Research
CETRA provides language solutions for international and domestic opinion research, including translation, cultural consulting, QA testing and interpretation.
The Client
One of the largest opinion research companies in the world providing custom research services. The company supplies questionnaire design, data collection and analysis to multiple universities, government agencies and social service organizations and has a long-standing (8+ years) collaboration with CETRA.
The Challenge
Translate a large research study to be fielded in the US among respondents including Spanish-speakers to gauge their personal perspective on life in the US. The pool of Spanish-speakers were native of many countries, each with their own linguistic variation so the translated survey must reflect all dialects.
The Solution
- Spanish translation of the survey by five translators from key linguistic regions (Mexico, Cuba, Central America, Argentina, Puerto Rico)
- Reconciliation of the 5 versions above by a highly trained linguistic, specialized in the study of Spanish in the United States, into one final version
- Online review of the programmed survey by the five original translators
- CETRA single point of contact: Senior Project Manager with 20 years of experience in quantitative and qualitative research
- Certified and standardized process with the skills and experience needed to pro-actively identify areas of concern
- EN and ISO certified Quality Management System
Client Benefits
The client received a culturally adapted survey ensuring the accuracy of the data collected which in return gave them peace of mind.
Want to find out more about CETRA’s Opinion Research capabilities?
Join us at booth 506 at the AAPOR Annual Conference in Anaheim, California May 15-18!