CETRA Movie Night: The Interpreter

The Interpreter Staring Nicole Kidman

The event will begin at 6:00pmwith networking and snacks before a free showing of The Interpreter. Directed by Sidney Pollack, this drama staring Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman combines action and mystery as Sylvia Broome (Kidman), a UN interpreter from the fictional nation of Matobo, Africa, becomes mixed up in an assassination plot after accidentally overhearing a conversation.  Sylvia reports the incident to the UN and Secret Service agent Tobin Keller (Penn) is brought in to take on the case and protect her – but will her background as a militant political activist stand in the way?

Where: 7804 Montgomery Avenue, Suite 10

Elkins Park, PA 19027

When: 6:00pm, Tuesday, July 9

RSVP to danielle.buries@cetra.com


Can’t make Movie Night this month? Check out the full schedule here!