Happy Halloween from CETRA
Happy Halloween from all of us at CETRA. Halloween is celebrated each year on October 31 in Ireland, United States, Canada, and other countries.
CETRA is a global company with multilingual staff across our international offices. While not all countries celebrate Halloween, we wanted to take the opportunity to recognize the tradition in different languages and cultures. These were provided by members of our staff.
Simplified Chinese
Happy Halloween: 万圣节快乐
Trick or Treat: 不给糖就捣蛋
Trick or Treat: Knask eller Knep
Spanish for Spain
Trick or Treat: There is no way to say “Trick or Treat” in Spanish for Spain. Spanish speakers in the US may use the expression “Truco o trato.” However, it makes little sense to Spanish speakers outside the US.
Trick or Treat: Süßes, sonst gibt‘s Saures
Cutural clarification: This was a phrase even before Halloween and was kind of “adopted” for the cause.
Happy Halloween: Joyeux Halloween or Joyeuse Halloween
There is some contention regarding the noun gender as Halloween is borrowed from English.
Trick or Treat: Des bonbons ou un sort
This only works as an interjection though, there is no equivalent for “going trick-or-treating” really.
Some additional information on Halloween can be found at:
Happy Halloween from all of us at CETRA!