CETRA Supports National MS Society And You Can, Too!
CETRA has been supporting the National Multiple Sclerosis Society since 2008 and has raised over $25,000 to help the organization to not only support research for a cure tomorrow, but also to provide programs which address the needs of people living with MS today. Having multiple sclerosis means that you may suddenly have blurry vision. Or that your memory will fail you for no apparent reason. Or that you may not always be able to walk, let alone ride a bike. The devastating symptoms of MS are different for everyone – the only certainty is that it will affect yet another person every hour of every day. Today, there is no cure for multiple sclerosis, and with diagnosis occurring most frequently between the ages of 20 and 50, many individuals face a lifetime filled with unpredictability.
This year ve have set a goal to raise $10,000 for the National MS Society. As a part of its fundraising effort, Team CETRA will be participating in the Bike MS: City to Shore ride. Visit the Team CETRA page to make a donation to the team or to individual riders. You can also join the team!