CETRA Featured in Philly 100 Video
For the third year in a row, CETRA Language Solutions was ranked by the Philadelphia 100® as one of the fastest-growing, privately-held businesses in the Philadelphia region. Started in 1998 by the Entrepreneurs’ Forum of Greater Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Business Journal and the Wharton SBDC, the Philadelphia 100® has recognized some of the region’s finest companies when they were just beginning to emerge: Mothers’ Work, Fiberlink, Urban Outfitters, Forman Mills, Kremer Laser Eye Center, and Primavera Systems, just to name a few. The ranking will be announced at an evening Gala Awards Ceremony scheduled for Wednesday, October 13th at the Annenberg Center on the University of Pennsylvania Campus and hosted by Ron Jaworski (former quarterback, current entrepreneur and Monday Night Football analyst). For more information contact Dr. Jiri Stejskal, CETRA’s President and CEO.