CETRA CEO to Speak at TAUS Global Content Summit in NYC

CETRA’s President & CEO, Jiri Stejskal, will be a speaker at the TAUS Global Content Summit in New York City on March 21, 2019. Jiri is an invited speaker for the program’s “Quantum Leap Conversation,” during which speakers will discuss if human parity in machine translation (MT) is good enough, and lead a deeper dive into the experiences and innovations of MT and artificial intelligence in the language industry.
In particular, Jiri will address changing perspectives and attitudes toward MT, and will share some of his stories about the dialogue between members of the American Translators Association (ATA) and MT developers during his presidency of the ATA.
Jiri earned a PhD in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to founding CETRA in 1997, he has served in leadership positions at the ATA, American Foundation for Translation and Interpretation, and the International Federation of Translators.
TAUS Global Content is the focus of a new series of events by the organization that are held around the world in close collaboration with TAUS members. The audience consists of roughly 40 percent buyers, 40 percent service providers, 10 percent technology providers and the remaining seats are divided among consultants, press and academics.