Message from Serge Gladkoff, Localization Professionals Group Administrator:
Dear Fellow Localization Professional,
The New Year of 2011 is coming. And more then ever information is King, – professional information in your relevant area is simply Everything. So here I am with small piece of information – 7 hints on how you can do more in our group.
This group has been created for professionals in localization to get insight in various aspects of our trade. We have 7,400+ members now and growing, and many wonderful things are going on in this group, the largest for the industry on LinkedIn, BUT it is only a platform. You need to be active to benefit more from the group, and here I am with a numbered list of how you can more actively use the group to your advantage.
1. Actively show your knowledge by answering questions people ask. By sharing your expertise you demonstrate that you are a professional.
2. Initiate discussions on cutting edge issues of our trade. Translation is one of the oldest professions, but it is constantly evolving. There’s always something new. Find issues. Talk about them. Be visible. Talk about ways to make money in our industry. Talk about people. Make jokes, communicate, share your news and problems, have fun. When you talk to people in our industry, you make new connections, and engage.
3. Help people. Help your peers. By sharing your expertise and experience with those who need it, you create a situation when you are more likely to get help when you need it. The wonderful trick here is that by doing this in our professional group (outsiders are not admitted here), you are not doing charity; you are helping yourself in your professional life.
4. Watch for the news. Sometimes news come in the form of promotions, invitations to the forums and events, offers or even advertising. But since this group is moderated, SPAM is not allowed here, and promotions make sense. Therefore, I recommend you not to ignore them, but rather have a look. You may find something of interest and at the very least you’ll see what’s going on.
5. Our group is a major career tool. Recruiters are the only people who are admitted here from non-localization. They hire our type, too for their companies. You can hire people for your company here. Many people have got a very nice job through our group. You can use this actively by posting your opening in the Job section.
6. If you have got service or tool to sell in the field of localization, you cannot post direct promotions (those will be deleted), but you can be creative and create promotions or initiate discussions and make your product or service visible indirectly. Just do not annoy people by sales offer, rather – propose or say something that would be of interest to them.
7. Tell me what you need, or share an idea of a promotion, or something else that may be of interest and I’ll try to implement this in the group. Our number of 7,400+ localization professionals is impressive; I can solicit special offers for events, products, or services for the group; I am sure there are other ways to get what we would like to get, as focused industry group. Be creative, share your ideas with me and we will make our wishes happen.
Happy New Year and all the best in 2011!
Serge Gladkoff
Localization Professionals Group Administrator